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  • If something is damaged in my room/ our unit do I have to bear the costs of repair? 家具家電などが故障した場合は誰の負担となりますか?
    ENGLISH: If any furniture, fixture, fitting, or appliance is damaged by the member, the member is responsible for the cost of repairs and any associated service charges. The member is also responsible for any minor repairs, replacement of parts, or other expendable items at their own expense. Please remember that any damages to the walls, structure, pipes, or other parts of the Premises must be promptly reported to Hmlet. You may do so by registering from the application form via the Hmlet APP. JAPANESE: ご入居者様に起因する事情で家具家電、他室内設備・備品が破損・故障・滅失した場合、修理・修繕費用はご入居者様負担となります。また、家具家電等に不具合が発生した場合は、必ずHmletアプリからチャットを開き、申請フォームよりお申し出いただきますようお願いいたします。
  • I am not sure how to use an appliance, what should you do? 部屋に備え付けの家具家電について、マニュアルはどこですか?
    ENGLISH: You may also refer to the property manuals that our team sends you with the welcome to Hmlet email. However, if you still have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us through the App Chat, and we will be happy to assist you. JAPANESE: 室内のフォルダー内に説明書が入っておりますのでご参考にして頂けますようお願い致します。故障が疑われる場合にはハムレットまでご連絡ください。
  • Can I remove any Hmlet furniture from the apartment? 備え付けの家具を変更できますか?
    ENGLISH: It is not allowed to remove Hmlet furniture from the apartment. If you wish to add furniture, you are welcome to do so, but please note that you will need to dispose of them yourself when you move out. Failure to do so will result in disposal costs being deducted from your deposit. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Additionally, if you need extra furniture, you can order it through our CLAS services via your Hmlet App. Homepage: JAPANESE: 備え付けの家具を他のものに変更することは出来ません。ご自身でご購入頂いた家具をお部屋に設置頂くことは可能ですが、ご退去時にはお持ち出しいただき、ご入居時の状態にお戻しいただけますようお願い致します。また、一部家具はレンタルすることが可能です。詳細はこちらをご覧ください:
  • Who takes responsibility to maintain the shared appliances & furniture? 共有スペースのメンテナンスは誰が行いますか?
    ENGLISH: Hmlet is responsible for maintaining shared space appliances and furniture only in case of fair wear and tear. If there is any damage to private appliances and furniture in your room, the member will be held responsible and must bear the cost of repair or replacement. JAPANESE: 共有スペースの家具家電についてはご利用者様の故意過失がある場合を除き、ハムレットの責任においてメンテナンスを行います。各ご入居のお部屋の家具家電の損傷の修繕費用はご入居者様負担となります。
  • Where do I find my mailbox/mailbox key? 郵便受けのコードはどこですか?
    ENGLISH: You can find your mailbox code in the folder with all the house documents. JAPANESE: コードはドキュメントフォルダーをご覧ください。
  • When should I pay my monthly rent? 賃料はいつまでに支払えばよいですか?
    ENGLISH: Depending on your contract, your monthly rent has to be settled in advance, latest by the 1st day of the month. If the member fails to pay such, a late payment charge calculated at 14.6% per annum will be applied. For more details about rent payment and penalty in case of delay, please check your contract. JAPANESE: 毎月の家賃は、前月末日までにお支払いいただく必要がございます。 万が一、滞納が発生した場合は、14.6%/年の延滞料が発生します。 詳細の内容に関しましては、契約書記載の内容をご確認ください。
  • Can I pay my final rent with the security deposit? デポジットを家賃として使えますか?
    ENGLISH: No, the deposit cannot be used to offset rent. It is held as a security by Hmlet to cover for damages, if any. This will be returned after move out cleaning, room damage and utilities check. According to the situation, the refund time varies. JAPANESE: いいえ、デポジットとしてお支払いいただいた費用を家賃としてご利用いただけません。お部屋が破損された場合や清掃代金として使用し、場合により差分をご返却いたします。
  • Is cleaning included at the property? 清掃費は家賃に入っていますか?
    ENGLISH: Cleaning of the common areas of the property is included. If you would like your studio to be cleaned, you can make a request through the Services section of your Hmlet app for a fee. JAPANESE: 共有スペースの清掃はハムレット側で実施しております。ご入居者様のお部屋の清掃をご希望の場合は、ハムレットアプリ経由でお申込みください。
  • How can I pay my rent? 賃料はどのように支払えばよいですか?
    ENGLISH: You are able to pay your rent via the following methods below. Bank Transfer Credit Card (transaction fee applicable depending on your CC company) Transferwise JAPANESE: 以下の方法にてお支払いいただけます。 銀行振込 クレジットカード(別途取引手数料がかかる場合がございます) Transferwise
  • Can I pay my final rent with the security deposit? 敷金を賃料に充当できますか?
    ENGLISH: No, the deposit cannot be used to offset the rent. It is held as a security by Hmlet to cover any damages that may occur. This deposit will be returned after the move-out cleaning, room inspection for damages, and utilities check. The refund time (around 1.5 months) may vary depending on the situation. JAPANESE: 敷金を賃料に充当することは出来かねます。 ご退去後に、お部屋の修繕費や清掃代金等を控除させていただき、差分がある場合にはご返金いたします。ご返金時期はご退去後おおよそ1.5か月後となります。
  • Can I move within Hmlet properties? ハムレット内で引っ越しはできますか?
    ENGLISH: Yes.However, you will be requested to sign a new contract for the new room starting from the current contract's expiration date. If you decide to relocate before the contract's termination, you will be subject to an early cancellation penalty. JAPANESE 現行契約の期間満了以降に引越し可能です。 引越しをご希望される場合には、Hmletアプリの申請フォームよりお問い合わせください。満了日以降のお部屋の契約をご案内させていただきます。 尚、契約期間内に別の建物や部屋に引越しをご希望される場合には早期解約違約金が発生いたします。
  • As Hmlet's approval is required, please get in touch with our Member Experience team via the Support section of your Hmlet App or by email at
    ENGLISH: As Hmlet's approval is required, please get in touch with our Member Experience team via the Support section of your Hmlet App or by email at JAPANESE: メンバーエクスペリエンスチームにご連絡ください。メールアドレス
  • Can I make any alterations to my bedroom / unit? 部屋のリノベーションは可能ですか?
    ENGLISH: You are not permitted to make any alterations to the internal construction, appearance, or arrangement of the premises or unit without our prior approval. This includes painting or making holes in the walls or ceiling, as it could cause damage to the premises. If you do make any alterations with our approval, you must ensure that the unit is restored to its original condition before the termination of your lease. Failure to do so will result in costs being incurred. Please note that any unauthorized changes made to the unit will result in additional charges and may affect your security deposit. JAPANESE: ご入居者様はハムレットの事前の承認なしに、室内の設備、備品、またはレイアウトに変更を加えることはできません。これには、壁や天井に絵を描くこと、穴をあけること等も含まれます。 ハムレットの承認を得て行った場合でも、契約の終了までに、ご入居者様ご自身で必ずご入居時の状態に原状回復を行う必要があります。原状回復が行われない場合には原状回復費用実費を申し受けます。 また、無断で行った場合には原状回復費用をご請求いたします。
  • What is the notice period to terminate my lease? 退去はいつまでに通知すればよいですか?
    ENGLISH: Should you require to leave you before the end of your contract term, you are required to give us 30 days notice to terminate. Remember to refer to the early termination charges in your Member Agreement in advance. Please contact for more information. JAPANESE: 契約期間が終了する前に退去する場合は、終了する30日前までに通知いただく必要があります。事前にメンバー契約の早期解約料金を参照してください。詳細はこちらまでお問い合わせください
  • I’ve got issues in my apartment. Who should I contact? 緊急連絡先はどこですか?
    ENGLISH: The fastest way is to go to the account section of your Hmlet App, then click on Support. You will be able to Chat with us! Please note that we are operating Mon-Fri 09.00-18.00 ,excluding national holidays. If you have an emergency outside our working hours, please contact our hotline at: 080 0170 6593 JAPANESE: 緊急トラブルなどお困りの際はアプリでご連絡ください。平日午前9時から午後6時の営業時間内にご返信いたします。それ以外の緊急時についてはこちらへご連絡ください。080 0170 6593
  • If I get locked out, who do I contact? 部屋やオートロックで締め出しにあった際にはどうすればよいですか?
    ENGLISH: You can contact our 24/7 emergency hotline number: 080 0170 6593. And make sure to tell the correct building name, address and your room number when you contact the emergency hotline. Please remember to input your full name and upload your picture in the app. The information on the app will be requested by the emergency company to validate your identity. JAPANESE: 【080 0170 6593】こちらへご連絡ください。お電話の際は必ず住所、建物名と部屋番号を正確にお伝えください。 ハムレットアプリの氏名・顔写真を警備会社が確認するので、必ずアプリの事前登録をいただきますようお願いいたします。
  • If I request room cleaning, will my bed linens be changed? リネン交換は清掃サービスに入っていますか?
    ENGLISH: Bedroom cleaning does not include bed linen change. Should you wish for your bed linens to be changed, please request this through the Services section of your Hmlet app. JAPANESE: リネン交換は清掃サービスに含まれておりません、別途アプリ経由でお申込みください。
  • What is Hmlet's policy regarding pets? ペット飼育に関してポリシーを教えてください。
    ENGLISH: Please contact us at for more information regarding our pet policy, including which locations allow pets and the associated costs. JAPANESE: 物件により異なりますので、メンバーエクスペリエンスチームにご連絡ください。メールアドレス メールアドレス
  • Where do I find my mailbox and how do I open it? 郵便受けの暗証番号はどこですか?
    ENGLISH: Please refer to the property manual which is provided to you before your move in with Hmlet. JAPANESE: 暗証番号は室内のフォルダをご覧ください。
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